Sunday, October 10, 2010

One Cup of Coffee

I realized recently that for me to get through college I'm going to need to stock up on coffee. I came to school with a bag of dunkin' donuts coffee but ran out way too quickly. I looked all over campus and could not find a place to buy ground coffee with a meal card, and I'm all out of money so I cant afford to just go to a grocery store. Eventually though I found really good, freshly ground dark roast coffee at the coffee shop in the library. My prayers were answered! I've been drinking coffee for a good majority of my life and I've always had it black (my dad always told me if I wanted to drink coffee then I have to drink it the most unpleasant of ways; it's an acquired taste I began to love though). I started drinking regularly around the age of 10. Unlike most houses we didn't have tea in a kettle on the stove but we always had coffee in the pot for an afternoon pick me up. I'm sure it isn't healthy to be drinking for that long and from that young of an age, but I've been cutting back the past few years. The problem is it's starting to look like I need to pick the habit of drinking heavily to make it through my days here at BSU.  

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