Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Observing Conversations

Thanksgiving break was filled with conversation, both good and bad. One conversation between my grandma and my mom stuck out from all the rest. The two were arguing about how to cut the turkey. The simplest of tasks turned into a complicated acquired technique. My grandma’s dialogue when explaining why her method was better than my mom’s enclosed perfect examples of ethos, pathos, and logos. My mom was saying it would make the turkey more flavorful and juicier to keep it whole and cut slices as needed. Here my mom was trying to appeal to senses and therefore our emotions. My grandma instantly jumps in and states her credibility, “I’ve done this for over 40 years, I know how to cut a turkey thank you very much”. After she proves that she is knowledgeable in the subject, my grandma appealed to the family emotionally by saying once she is gone we can cut all the turkey we want, in any fashion we desire. Yes it was a shady blow but it got our attention. Finally my grandma used her years of wisdom and logic to explain why her idea of cutting the turkey individual parts and then slicing it was a better method. As you can see even the smallest most pointless conversations you can get a point across using ethos, pathos, and logos in the correct manner.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas List

Hey Everyone lets get into the Christmas spirit a bit and write your Christmas list here's mine... It's not big but it'll do.

- A yamaha or casio keyboard, my whole family plays piano but no one took the time to teach me and really want to learn
- Some cologne, I ran out

- Long Johns and wool socks, it's getting cold

- A nice sweatshirt, or money to go buy some clothes

...Maybe some movies or CDs, other than that I'm good.

Time Flies When you forget you're having fun

This first semester has just sped right by and I don't know if it's just me but it feels like we just got here. I always thought when I got out of high school, "oh no four more years of school, I just want to be done"; but at this rate four years is going to just fly by. Finals are coming up and I need to get to some assignments and do a little bit of studying; not to mention these papers really need revised... I guess this is crunch time coming up. Be ready for it you guys.

Home Sweet Home

I went back to my home town this week like most people and expected to feel welcomed and at ease, but instead it just seemed to be filled with stress amongst friends and my family. I went to my grandma's house on Thanksgiving Day like I do every year. I love Thanksgiving at my grandma’s mostly; my family and I (4 aunts, an uncle, 16 cousins, and others) eat a huge homemade meal; turkey and noodles, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, candied yams, fresh rolls, stuffing, it is an ideal meal... The whole time though I listened to arguing and complaining, it's really bothersome so I mostly watched football. But when I got back to Muncie this afternoon, I felt something unexpected. A feeling of home plagued me. This is where my life is now and I like it; All I can say now is home sweet home Muncie.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thank God for Thanksgiving!

I am so excited for my favorite holiday of the year, Thanksgiving! Would you like to know why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday? Turkey, noodles, mashed potatoes, fresh rolls, green bean casserole, candied yams, cheesecake, pumpkin pie, and it's all homemade, who doesn't love Thanksgiving?! I getting together with my family and I'm sure I'll be telling them all about my life at college, and hear even more about how I should be doing better. I get to watch football with my uncles, and then go play in the backyard with my cousins. Hell, I even like the stupid gossip my Aunts go on about. I'm sure I'll have no trouble finding a conversation to analyze. I cannot wait until Thursday!

Peyton Chokes!

So who else watched Peyton Manning blow it earlier today against the Patriots. How could we lose to the Pats!? I was so angry, we were coming back so well and with under a minute left Manning throws it right into the hands of the defense. To make this loss to our rivals worse, I ran into two Pats fans after the game, talk about a nasty run-in... I think we scared the other people on the bus arguing back and forth like we did!

The Walking Dead

There's this show I've been watching on AMC called The Walking Dead. I love zombie movies and this show is the epitome of zombie movies put into a TV series. It has such a great post-apocalypse story line and it is filled with drama. It has everything from a kid getting kidnapped over a bag of guns by a gang of Hispanics that run a nursing home to a brother getting handcuffed to the top of a roof as bait for the hungry zombies. I advise anyone who loves gory movies to check out The Walking Dead; who doesn't love a good zombie series?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bored on Sunday

 These Sundays are so boring; they literally are a day for rest because the only thing I do is sleep, eat, and recover; oh and do a little homework when I get around to it. The only reason to even wake up is because you're already up when you have to close the blinds because the afternoon sun is shining through. At least there is football to look forward to! Well I think I am going to change my Sunday routine. I never have to get up during the week because my classes are so late so I should make Sunday the one day I get up early go for a job, get some coffee in me; I could take a break and read the newspaper by beneficence or frog baby or something. Then I could do some homework, get a little reading in, and I can't miss football regardless of how productive I want to be. At least then when someone asks me, "how was your day?"... I can say that it was productive. :)

My Luck Marble

(actual pic)

I thought I had came to college with everything I needed. My phone, a stereo, a computer, supplies for school; I assumed I couldn't be missing anything. A few weeks after arriving to school I realized I had lost my lucky marble that my nephew had given me a few years back. I loved that marble; anytime I would get frustrated, nervous, sad, or anxious I would grab my lucky marble and rub it between my index finger and thumb. It was such a comforting gift. Since my nephew was only 2 when he gave it to me of course he had no money to buy an actual gift, and he barely understood the idea behind Christmas. Nonetheless he got me a present and I think it was the best present I had ever received, The past 4 years it has been in my pocket through thick and thin; so when I though I had lost the damn thing I felt so bad I searched everywhere for over a week and couldn't find it anywhere, I had given up. Well on Thursday I had an inQuisit test for my Fiscal Wellness class; I forgot the test was coming up so I had no time to study for it. I though for sure I was going to fail and if I fail any test in that class, I fail the class (since there are very little points in the class). Well, while I was taking the test I got really nervous and reached in my phone to see the time (I could've  easily looked on the computer, it's just habit to look at your phone after a while); when I reached into my pocket I felt a small little ball. I didn't even think about the marble until I saw what it was, I got so happy, I rubbed it for a few seconds put, it back in my pocket, and began taking the test. I finished the test and to my surprise I got a 91% on it. Just my Luck?

Lazy Sunday

Today I slept a total of 18 hours.  Ridiculous, I know.  I think college life messes with your sleep schedule.  It seems like either I can't sleep at all, or I sleep a ridiculous amount.  Sometimes I'll have spurts of insomnia.  This only seems to be when I desperately need sleep.  Then days like today I can't seem to make myself get out of bed.  I blame stress.  Stress and college.  College is stress.  I'm sure the average college student will agree with this.  The end.